It Begins

It Begins
Start at the bottom and follow the Story from there

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Warm again

By the grace of God, he has returned to his birthplace. Many stay, few fall onto the cold earth.

If this man had a mirror, he would be able to distiguish kelp hair, and a seafoam body. He was not in the water, but was the water. Able to gather and crash, to destroy and to preserve, to take and to give, to fly and to ride. He is the Atlantic and the Pacific, Rhine and Galilee. Though he spanned most of the globe, he did not cover it.

He needed earth, his love. And this is what she is.

1 comment:

  1. thats cool. :)

    or to include a really gay pun: thats warm.
    do you want to take next brian?
